We’re different.

We don't just offer Body shape results; we provide you with a comprehensive roadmap to a better life.

  • Health

    Empowerment Through Movement and Nutrition

    Your journey to optimal health begins here, with personalized fitness and nutrition plans that align perfectly with your goals:

    Movement: Our carefully crafted training plans are tailored to your unique needs. With monthly training phases, you'll stay motivated and achieve results, whether you prefer working out at home or in the gym. Step-by-step instructions and video demonstrations ensure you're on the right track.

    Eating: Nutrition plays a crucial role in your health journey. That's why we provide results-based meal plans and access to a treasure trove of 800+ nutritionist-designed recipes. Our Smart Meal Planner empowers you to make healthier choices effortlessly.

  • Lifestyle

    Taking Control of Your 168 Hours

    Your life is more than just workouts and meals. It's how you spend every precious hour in a week. Our lifestyle approach helps you take control and create a fulfilling life:

    168-Hour Lifestyle: We help you assess how you spend your time and make mindful choices. It's about achieving balance, whether it's in your career, relationships, or personal passions. Your journey to better living extends beyond the gym.

    It's about providing you with the tools, guidance, and support you need to thrive in all areas of your life.

  • Mindset

    Stress Management and Personal Growth

    Wellness is about nurturing your mental and emotional well-being, making peace with the things you can't control, and taking small steps toward positive change:

    Stress Management: Our toolbox is equipped with stress management tools, including meditation, mindfulness activities, and techniques to find balance in a chaotic world.

    Letting Go: We'll guide you in letting go of what's not in your control. It's about focusing your energy on things that truly matter, freeing yourself from unnecessary stress.

    Small Changes, Big Impact: Through small, manageable changes, we help you overcome what's holding you back, paving the way for a healthier, happier you.

Introducing Your Path to Success:

  • Self Guided with Accountability

    For those that are seeking a straightforward path to progress.

    Our subscription option is tailored for individuals who are looking for a clear, ready-to-follow roadmap to achieve their health and wellness goals. If you want a structured training and eating plan without the need for Coaching, this is your ideal choice. We've simplified the journey to help you succeed.

    ✔️ Weekly Accountability check ins to keep you on track towards your goals.

    ✔️ Personalised Training Plan: Tailored to your goals

    ✔️ Flexibility: Home and Gym options

    ✔️ Detailed Instructions: Step-by-step guidance + video demonstrations

    ✔️ CREATOR App Access: Your health hub

    ✔️ Seamless Integration: Connect with your Smart Watch & Fitness Apps

    ✔️ Progress Tracking: Stay on top of your achievements

    ✔️ Habit Tracker: Build lasting, healthy habits

    ✔️ Exercise Substitution: Adapt as needed

    ✔️ Results-Based Meal Plans: Fuel your progress

    ✔️ Extensive Recipe Library: 800+ nutritionist-designed recipes

    ✔️ Smart Meal Planner: Exclusive meal swapping flexibility to discover new delicious recipes that make eating healthy easy.

  • 1:1 Transformational Coaching

    All the Benefits of Option 1 Plus the ultimate support of Personal Coaching:

    For those craving lifestyle changes and a deeper understanding.

    Our coaching is designed for individuals who are committed to achieving results and are eager to dive deeper into the framework of lasting change. If you've been feeling stuck or haven't seen the progress you desire, our Transformational coaching program provides personalised support and a comprehensive understanding of the principles that drive transformation.

    ✔️ 1:1 Transformational Coaching: tailored strategies, guidance and support to overcome barriers

    ✔️ Personalised Training Plan: Tailored to your goals

    ✔️ Flexibility: Home and Gym options

    ✔️ Detailed Instructions: Step-by-step guidance + video demonstrations

    ✔️ CREATOR App Access: Your health hub

    ✔️ Seamless Integration: Connect with your Smart Watch & Fitness Apps

    ✔️ Progress Tracking: Stay on top of your achievements

    ✔️ Habit Tracker: Build lasting, healthy habits

    ✔️ Exercise Substitution: Adapt as needed

    ✔️ Results-Based Meal Plans: Fuel your progress

    ✔️ Extensive Recipe Library: 800+ nutritionist-designed recipes

    ✔️ Smart Meal Planner: Exclusive meal swapping flexibility to discover new delicious recipes that make eating healthy easy.


    ✔️ Monthly Food Plan Changes: Keep your nutrition on point

    ✔️ 24/7 Message Support: Quick answers to your questions

    ✔️ 60 Minutes Weekly Phone Time: Personalised coaching sessions

    ✔️ Monthly Goal Setting: Stay on track with your long-term goals

    ✔️ Weekly Goal Setting: Short-term focus for success

    Bonus Tools to Enhance Your Journey:

    ✔️ Unlimited Yoga: Enhance flexibility and mindfulness

    ✔️ 47 Dessert Recipes: Satisfy your sweet tooth guilt-free

    ✔️ Stress Management Tools: Balance your body and mind

    ✔️ 60 Audio Meditations: Find inner peace and relaxation

    ✔️ 60 Mindfulness Activities: Cultivate mindfulness in daily life

About us

Who’s behind CREATOR? Two people who love helping people.

  • As co-founder of CREATOR Lifestyle, Tamara brings over 10 years of experience in People & Culture Leadership, along with a background in Coaching and Holistic Human Development.

    “With a deep passion for helping people on their body shape and confidence journey, I understand first-hand what it feels like to struggle with self-doubt and unhealthy behaviours.

    After spending much of my life feeling like I wasn't "good enough" and lacking confidence in my body, I found the right support and framework to completely shift my mindset towards health, wellness, and ultimately, life.

    Making physical health and mental wellness my highest priority, I gave myself the time and attention I deserved, and gained an understanding of myself on a much deeper level.

    With this newfound understanding, I stepped away from the corporate world to study Holistic Human Development, and have since dedicated my career to helping others on their own self-discovery journey.

    Combining many years of practice in facilitation and coaching and my personal results in body shape change and increased confidence, I am deeply passionate about helping others make small daily changes to rebuild their confidence, restore harmony, and feel happier and create a more fulfilled life for themselves.”

  • Co-Founder

    Pierre is a Health and Fitness professional with a strong background in Personal Training, Coaching and Massage Therapy.

    “After 15 years training myself and 10 years as a personal trainer, getting great "surface level" results in the gym with clients and personally but still noticing the lack of fulfilment in clients lives (and my own) I found myself going on a different journey. A journey for deeper understanding and greater self awareness.

    5 years later and many more tools acquired, with a solid connection to my personal fulfilment on my life path, it is my passion to teach others to connect with their needs and learn to first see then let go of what is holding them back from being on the path to a life lived with fulfilment.

    That's why we call this "CREATOR" because we are the creator of our path, we must just connect with what we want to create and choose to stay on the path.”

Hear from our clients:

Transformative Stories, Inspired Lives.

After completing the 6 month program I have found the unlock I was looking for.

I feel calmer, more connected to the world around me and fulfilled in many moments, both big and small. In relation to physical health, with the eating and training plan I lost 10kg's in the first 12 weeks. This result is achievable from many offerings, but the difference with this program is the holistic view.

I understand my capacity (mental and physical) and adjust the programming to work with me, giving me a sustainable path forward. When I started the program one of the outcomes I was seeking was to find the calm, there was so much noise in my head, work, kids, family, logistics, projects, renovations etc. It is easy to focus on the external world, but through the program we started from the inside out and I have learnt so much about myself.”

— Stewart

“I have been in and around gyms my whole life and I’ve never had a problem with weight until I had my first child. I struggled with trying different Diets to drop the weight but couldn’t execute consistently on it.

I’m so glad I had the privilege to work with CREATOR Lifestyle. Their system and app made it easy to be consistent.

Pierre was there every step of the way for me and his support was amazing. Since working with Pierre, I have a better understanding of what I can do with diet and exercises to get the results I want.

I have lost 7kgs since working with Pierre and have visible abs again :)

But for me the best thing about this all is that I feel confident in my skin again and confident that I have a mapped pathway that will allow results to flow for the foreseeable future now.

I’m very grateful. Thank you Pierre.”

— Adam

“The program really really helped to shift my mindset in terms of my attitude towards health and food.

Even after the program ended I'm still making conscious and healthy decisions within my day to day life.

It taught me how to take care of my body in a way that wasn't forceful or strenuous. Treating myself with equal amounts of grace and respect as well as motivation and discipline when I needed.

I'm still doing the workouts when I can alongside setting small manageable goals throughout my week like taking frequent walks outside in fresh air the to help my mental health and relax my busy schedule.

Learning how to meal prep has also been a game changer for me!!

Something I found super interesting was my digestive changes during the program. I've always had minor to more increased symptoms of bloating and pretty much eliminating wheat/gluten had really positive effects to changing this.

I also felt much lighter and more energetic, without you I probably wouldn't have discovered this :)

Lastly I also learned from you that it doesn't have to be everything all at once and that even just one small step in the right direction is the right step forward. Your guidance and encouragement was truly such a gift.”

— Anya

Discover Your Path to Transformation

We’re on a mission to empower people who want more from life. Our framework is designed to create lasting change, and it might be a perfect fit for you.

This is for you if:

  • You’re open and curious to create lasting change.

  • You're feeling unfulfilled, burnt out, out of balance.

  • You're busy and overwhelmed, craving more time and space for yourself, yet unsure where to begin.

  • You want to elevate every aspect of your life—eating, movement, thinking, feeling, doing, and living.

  • You've tried various approaches to physical health and mental wellness, but nothing seems to quite click.

  • You crave a structured plan that aligns seamlessly with your unique life.

  • You’re open & eager to change your mind, body and lifestyle.

This is not for you if:

  • You're looking for a short-term, quick-fix solution. Our framework focuses on long-lasting change.

  • You're not ready to let go of the all-or-nothing mindset and explore your personal growth.

  • If you'd rather stay on the surface and aren't willing to dig deep, challenge beliefs, thoughts, and behaviour patterns, our approach may not align with your goals.

  • You're not in a position to invest in your potential or becoming the best version of yourself.

  • You're not open to addressing various life areas that might be holding you back.

  • You're not ready to take ownership, accountability, and responsibility for your choices moving forward.

Are You Ready To Look & Feel Your Best, For Good?

Follow us for all things health, lifestyle and mindset with tips on how to look and feel good, live healthier and enjoy life.